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(#27) Fall in Love with Yourself: Fall Self Care Guide

For many of us, summer is an incredibly busy season but fall can feel just a busy, if not busier!

So how can we make sure we're getting the care that we need while also enjoying all the fun fall festivities?

The simple answer lies inside this guide!

Self care is such an important practice because it helps us feel good and enjoy life.

.So if you're ready to be your best self and live your best life, let's dive in!

"Carve" out time for yourself

If you're anything like me, fall can be the BUSIEST time of year. Between apple picking, pumpkin carving, corn mazes, hiking, cider drinking, holiday planning and more, it's sometimes hard to fit it all in!

Including fitting in time for yourself.

That's why it's important to schedule in time for yourself. It's been shown that if you schedule time for yourself you are 40% more likely to actually take that time.

For help "carving out time", check out my FREE Morning Magic Masterclass that includes a PDF Planner and Tracker to help you schedule all your fall activities AND all of your self care!

Feel the leaves beneath your feet

Motion = Emotion

If you do the same things you have always done, you'll feel the same way you have always felt. Your body keeps score of everything you think, feel and experience. Hurt, pain, trauma and hardships can be literally "stored" in the physical body as aliments and illnesses. Think about when have anxiety and your heart flutters and your stomach churns. Or when you're stressed and you start to feel tension in your neck/shoulders.

We can process and release emotions through regular movement like dancing, yoga, walking, swimming, etc.

Taking walks in nature has been shown to be both physically and mentally beneficial.

Not only is walking great for our bodies but the time outside gives us a sense of feeling calm and grounded.

And, what better time of year to do it? The temperature is perfect and the changing leaves are simply gorgeous

"Pick" Activities You Enjoy Doing

We so often feel the pressure of doing "all of the things" we have to work on our health, manage our finances, keep up at home, nurture our relationships, find time for things we enjoy and so much more. With our energy being pulled into so many different directions it's important for us to tune into ourselves and ask ourselves what it is we actually want.

There's a phrase that has really helped me "pick" the right things for me, especially in the busy seasons of life.

"If it's not a heck yes, it's a heck no"

So often when we're asked to do things that we don't truly want to do we are met with guilt and the feeling of "should"...

I "should" volunteer at the kids school

I "should" go to happy hour with my coworkers

All the "shoulds" aside, what do you really want? What is going to help you feel aligned, fulfilled, joyful, connected, peaceful and at ease?

If it's not a heck yes, it's a no.

Everything you say "yes" to, you're saying "no" to something else. When you say yes to an activity or responsibility that doesn't align with you, you're saying NO to your peace, to your wellbeing, to your mental health, to your family and countless other things.

Honor your SACRED YES and your HECK NO.

Stop and Smell the Scents of Fall

Take a deep breath in and experience all of the scents fall has to offer from pumpkin to apple to cinnamon to orange and clove and so many more.

Breathing is one of my FAVORITE self care practices. It is accessible to us anytime and anywhere. It is incredibly versatile with countless practices aiding in countless things. It's quick and effective, it only takes a couple of minutes and can be done alone or in crowded spaces, even amongst the chaos of the rest of the world.

Taking deep breaths calms your body's central nervous system (the thing that makes us feel anxious) and bring clarity to the mind.

So each time you pause to breathe in the crisp fall air not only are you experiencing the pleasure of fall but you're also bringing calm to your soul.

Here's a quick video from the 7 day self care challenge that will help you start your breathwork journey TODAY!

"Leave" Your Phone Behind

Whether you're just waking up in the morning, getting ready for bed at night or participating in your daily activities your phone can add a lot of extra stress and anxiety to your life.

What you go to sleep thinking about manifests in your subconscious mind so if you're reading the news and consuming social media before bed, that's what you're programming your mind with.

And when you wake up in the morning the first ten minutes of your day set the tone for your ENTIRE DAY. If those first 10 minutes are spent in front of a screen with judgement, comparison, fear, stress, anxiety and frustration, your day will be filled with those same thoughts and emotions.

Ditch the screen and notice how much better you feel (plus notice how much more time you have for your other self care practices!)

"Spice" Things Up

Variety is the spice of life! Spice up your self care practice with this falls events and workshops at Full Lotus Yoga + Wellness

With love + gratitude,


Owner of Full Lotus Yoga + Wellness

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