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(#25) Self Care for Anxiety

It's been a CRAZY couple of weeks with the reopening of Full Lotus. Crazy in the best possible way. For the last few weeks all of my creative energy has gone into classes, workshop ideas, studio renovations and more. Leaving me little time or mental space to write on the blog. As things have started to settle, I found myself inspired to share some anxiety busting habits.

Picture this, it's 6:30 in the morning. You walk into your living room with the intent of practicing your daily self care. As you sit down ready to get settled, your heart is beating out of your chest, you can barely take a full breath. WHAT IS HAPPENING. Anxiety. About what? Why does my body feel this way? What could I possibly be anxious about? The more you stress over it the worse the symptoms become. This experience continues everyday for weeks. The thought of having a difficult conversation with someone makes you sick to your stomach and that job interview makes you question whether or not you might actually vomit. The world is spinning so fast around you, you can't make it stop. A constant buzzing feeling but not in a good way. Anxiety. Make it stop.

These are the top 15 things that I've done to MAKE. IT. STOP.

1. Journaling

Journaling is a powerful and effective tool for managing anxiety. All of the thoughts that are running around in your head have to go somewhere. They can go manifest into a panic attack or be released onto paper and processed. I prefer the later. This isn't a magical tool that will heal you and fix all your problems but it helps more than you can imagine. If you're in the market for a new space to write your thoughts, click here to check out the beautiful journals I designed last year 🥰

2. Breathwork

When your breath is short and shallow it has a major impact on your nervous system. Your breathing alone can initiate the fight or flight response within your body (aka anxiety). Learning how to breathe properly can be one of the most beneficial things you learn to do for yourself. Here are two simple breathing techniques you can do ANYTIME and ANYWHERE to help you calm your nervous system.

(This video is from the 7 day self care challenge, access the full challenge for FREE by clicking here!)

3. EFT

EFT also called Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping has been single handedly one of the most powerful tools that I've used to combat anxiety. Especially when my mind was too chaotic to meditate or the feeling of anxiety was too difficult to breathe through. Tapping helped me process anxiety both mentally and physically for ultimate relief.

Here's a quick EFT video I did a handful of years ago that I always share with people as an intro to the practice.

4. Yoga

I started practicing yoga in 2015 to manage all sorts of mental health symptoms. I will say it has helped manage my anxiety because it has helped me build a deeper connection with my body to recognize the signs of anxiety sooner and manage them before they get out of hand. Also, motion = emotion, the mind and body are DEEPLY connected. Moving your way through emotions is powerful. Strong emotions have a strong wave of energy, that energy has to go somewhere. It can manifest in the racing of your heart or you can consciously channel it into a physical movement practice to help transmute it. And it doesn't have to be yoga, it can be a walk or a run or a swim or dancing or something else that you enjoy. Just find a channel to let it out.

5. True Rest

For years I convinced myself that laying on my couch watching TV or zoning on on my phone was "rest" when in reality it was avoidance. Avoiding the feelings of stress, anxiety, anger, overwhelm, etc. Avoidance is like a pot of boiling water that you put a lid on to hide it away. Eventually it bubbles over, we explode, we breakdown or we have a panic attack seemingly out of nowhere. Now I let my body and mind truly rest by taking time to just be, nap, sit in the sun, sip a cup of tea, whatever floats your boat.

True rest includes less screen time, this naturally happened when I learned how to *actually* rest my body and mind but I noticed that this habit had double benefits. I started noticing how even small amounts of scrolling on social media, watching the news or another episode of forensic files was linked to the racing in my chest feeling and the shortness of breath. What you put into your mind is what you get out of it. Being mindful of what what coming into my brain was a huge game changer.

The BEST Self Care Tool

Now you're probably wondering, which one is the BEST. Which one works the quickest, helps the most, takes the least effort, etc. The truth is, I don't know. What works best for me and my anxiety won't be the same as what works for YOU and YOUR anxiety. My advice is to go where you feel called. Which tip seemed the most interesting to you, which one caught your attention. Do that one first and see how it goes, then come back and pick another when you need more support.

If this information was at all helpful please feel free to share it on social media or send it to a friend in need.

With love + gratitude,


DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not intended to diagnosis, cure, prevent or treat any disease or disorder. The information shared here is based entirely on lived experience and not on medical or scientific evidence or advice. If you are concerned about your health or wellbeing please seek the advice of a licensed professional.

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